On-line Memorial to EVERY Civilian killed in EVERY War: Past. Present & Future

Humanity's Past. Present & Future

ten2one | Our Past | Our Present | Our Future | 3 Tears: Past. Present & Future


War is mental illness on an industrial scale. A mass paranoid (tribal) psychosis in which 
mass (tribal) delusion replaces the rational thoughts and perception 
of the individual.
As individual Human Beings we learn from our mistakes. Yet paradoxically our 
national / tribal histories (that "collectively" record the blood-stained history of Humanity) 
teach us that our tribal Wars are inevitable, and to be expected.
It would seem that "collective" national / tribal Humanity (unlike the individual) does NOT 
learn by its mistakes... With disastrous and murderous consequences.
Given our 'tribal' programming. The ease by which we are herded into tribal madness 
by our tribal leaders - and our blind trust in their words. It is unrealistic to HOPE that there 
could ever be a future for the Human family which could be free from War.
The Human family will only ever be free from WAR when we are free from tribalism. 
This includes our tribal identities, tribal leaders and their tribal ambitions.
Our tribal leaders and their ruling elites will never let that happen. 
So it would seem...
we are doomed.


This page is dedicated to ALL of the unknown millions of families slaughtered by 

military and paramilitary action throughout the entire history of Humanity. 

Not only the PAST.

 BUT: Also the PRESENT... and FUTURE.

The purpose of this Memorial is not political. 
But sometimes the truth needs to be told...
Ever mindful of their public image and the 
self image of the "General Public": 
Humanity's national / tribal leaders  have a tendency to downplay 
the killing of innocent women and children by military action. 
Especially if it was they themselves that ordered that military action.
Consequently, information regarding such horrific actions is often 
misrepresented, suppressed or simply airbrushed out of history...
As if it had never happened.
Because of such deliberate misrepresentation or concealment of 
the truth. We (the civilian population of each nationality or tribe)  
are unaware of ALL the facts of these slaughters. 
As a consequence of not being informed of the full facts - we have 
remained blissfully unaware of the truth. As was intended.
In many ways, being kept in the dark was merciful.
In Memorium to EVERY FAMILY slaughtered in War...
Please forgive us for never mourning your murders. 

It is something that has never been brought to our attention. 
We have been kept in the dark. The crimes committed against you 
have been largely concealed from us.
Within our national / tribal societies we are only 'educated' to mourn 
"our own" national or tribal military war-dead. "Our own" national or 
tribal "heroes" who voluntarily sacrificed their lives for our future, 
the future of our tribe - and our inspired national or tribal leaders.
In contrast: You (the countless millions of innocent FAMILIES 
slaughtered by the military) are only mentioned when our rulers 
want to justify sending the military to War... An act (our leaders tell us) 
which is necessary to protect the civilian population.
The very people it then slaughters: Other members of the same "global" 
Civilian population. Our brothers and sisters in the Human family.
The remembrance of families 
is long overdue.

A commemoration to ALL the families killed in our common PAST =
The PAST of Humanity



Dedicated to ALL of the families slaughtered by military and para-military action in the PAST.

Even though we did: We shouldn't have forgotten you. 

We ask your forgiveness.


A Dedication to ALL the families being killed in our common PRESENT =
The PRESENT of Humanity.


Dedicated to ALL of the families being slaughtered by military and para-military action in the PRESENT.
Even though we will: We should never forget you.
We ask your forgiveness.


A Dedication to ALL the families who will be killed in our common FUTURE =
The FUTURE of Humanity.



Dedicated to all of the families who will be slaughtered by military and para-military action in the FUTURE.


Further reading: Other ten2one sites ...

Commemorating every man, woman, child & baby killed by Humanity

A commemoration to ALL conscientious objectors.

A Commemoration to ALL of those forced to fight and die.

Please click here for the final commemoration: Our "Inglorious" Dead.


IF there is one thing Humanity lacks - it IS Humanity.
