Forced to obey, fight , kill, or be killed.

Whilst walking along the bank of the river Derwent in Derby. I noticed a small monument. At the foot of which were three or four commemorative wreaths. Upon closer scrutiny I discovered that it celebrated Admiral Nelson's naval victory at the Battle of Trafalgar.

Given that (in England) the city of Derby is the furthest city from the sea. I was quite surprised to see this. So I did a little research and I discovered a fact which if mentioned at all - is played down.

Nelson's navy consisted largely of "slaves". Which is to say: Men who had been press-ganged. Which is to say that they had been physically abducted and forced (often with brutal savagery) to obey. Even to the point of being compelled to kill others.

The whip (or cat-of-nine tails) was the favoured way of ensuring their complete obedience. These brutalised victims of abduction were to all intents and purposes "slaves". They were literally forced to kill those their owners called "the enemy" or risk being killed themselves by their "owners". 

Throughout the ages people have even been abducted and enslaved to provide the alpha-male leaders with their armies. Even today in parts of our planet there are reports of child soldiers. These children are being abducted and trained to obey and kill. For them to refuse to obey could result in them being beaten or killed. So they obey...
They are forced to fight, kill or be killed.

Similarly when our leaders require us to provide them with cannon fodder, so that they may succeed in their ambitions. They pass laws enabling them to pressgang entire swathes of our global population. Whole generations of Humanity can find themselves "conscripted" with no choice in the matter.
Although (at certain points in history) Conscientious Objectors have been allowed. Conscription is not a choice.  The overwhelming majority of those conscripted simply had no choice but to obey. They too were forced to obey, fight, kill and die. They were coerced en-masse by fear of the terrible things that would happen to them if they did not obey those who own and rule us.

In Memorium 
Animated Candle photo: candle candle2.gif
To ALL of those who did not
want to fight, kill, or be killed. 
But were forced to do so.


To ALL of those who are 
still being forced to
obey, fight, kill, or be killed.