On-line Memorial to EVERY Civilian killed in EVERY War: Past. Present & Future

Online memorial to past generations

ten2one | Our Past | Our Present | Our Future | 3 Tears: Past. Present & Future


Animated Candle photo: candle candle2.gif....................................................


Since the dawn of Human history the "slaughter of the innocents" (unarmed civilians: But especially women, children, toddlers and babies) has been a constantly recurring theme across our planet.
Even today (in the 21st Century) wars and other such orchestrated tribal and ethnic "conflicts"continue to be 'instigated' by those craving power and wealth. More often than not, that power and wealth is obtained by turning one part of our Human-family against another part of our Human-family. All too often with bloody and murderous consequences for the innocent civilian population, or members of that civilian population. Our brothers and sisters.
As a direct result of the egocentric ambitions of such would-be Alpha Males. Wars and other such vile tribal or ethnic conflicts will continue to be 'inflicted' upon one part of our Human-family by another part of our Human-family. 

Accordingly: The slaughter of our fellow human-family-members (men, women, boys and girls, toddlers and babies) killed by military,paramilitary and militia action will tragically continue...
To the undying shame of our species: The question needs to be asked........
Why is there NO HUMANITY in Humanity ?

No-one knows how many of our brothers and sisters were killed in the World War 2 fire bombing of Tokyo-Yokohama. But as a consequence of that military action: Tens of thousands of women, children, toddlers and babies were incinerated alive.
Similarly, no-one knows the exact number of women, children, toddlers and babies incinerated alive in the fire bombing of Dresden.
Estimates relating to those incinerated at Dresden vary from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. But one number is known, and that is the number 6,865.
6,865 was the number of bodies (men, women, children, toddlers and babies ) piled up and burned on the small market place at Dresden. 
I am reminded of these horrible facts every time I look upon the War Memorial on the Market Place here in Derby. It is not the statue of a soldier or warrior frozen in heroic pose. It is the statue of a mother and baby - all too often the true victims of War.
In this respect: That statue captures the truth of War. It is not a "glorious" adventure... It is mass-murder of non-belligerent Human Beings: Men, women, children.toddlers and babies.
Around our planet, our national / tribal / rulers / leaders (and their ruling elites) publicly sanctify WAR as being our patriotic (tribal) duty. From infancy we are taught to have blind faith in our rulers/leaders.To obey them and to believe in OUR military under the just and righteous command of OUR" leaders" / rulers. 
Our social (tribal) indoctrination convinces us that we should all believe that our military are heroic and can do
no wrong. We are taught to be enthusiastic about "our" military. Even to the point of being enthusiastic about joining the military and laying down our lives for the good of OUR homeland. In other words for the good of OUR national/tribal rulers/leaders and their ruling elites.
We are invariably taught that OUR heroic military are always "forced" to protect us against some "evil" enemy, threat or menace. 
However: The inescapable truth is that (regardless of nationality or tribe) our planet's armies / militias etc.
are all manned by militarists. Rather like a fragmented global tribe. Different uniforms. Different flags. But exactly the same "tribe". The tribe that kills the rest of us - The Militarist tribe.
Periodically: It's this same (global) military and paramilitary tribe that engage in the slaughter of our global civilian tribe... Our (and their) brothers and sisters: Men, women, boys, girls, toddlers and babies. All too often indiscriminately.
With this in mind: I believe the war memorial (on Derby's Market Place) would not be out of place on the Market Place at Dresden. Nor would it be out of place in the Market Places of Tokyo-Yokohama,Coventry, Hiroshima,  Nagasaki, London, Berlin and far too many other cities and towns to catalogue here.
To me, that statue reveals the truth of war... War masks the wholesale "savage slaughter of the innocents" = women, children, toddlers and babies. 



It is reported that more civilians died in the 880 day siege of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) than the total COMBINED number of American and British MILITARY War Dead for the WHOLE of the Second World War.

That said, the siege of LENINGRAD was ONLY one military action. Add to this the military actions against the civilian populations of HIROSHIMA, NAGASAKI, DRESDEN, COVENTRY, HAMBURG, LONDON, BERLIN, TOKYO ( and far too many other civilian population targets to catalogue here) and a dark truth emerges…

That truth is that when ordered to do so by the ruling elites: The military will always attack and destroy civilian targets and civilian population centres. From the shooting down of unarmed protesters, to the nuclear bombing of the innocent civilian populations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Such "orders" are eagerly given, and eagerly executed.

It needs to be mentioned that since the nuclear bombing of those two Japanese cities, almost all  "civilised nations" now have nuclear weapons etc. Weapons designed to target the population centres (the cities and towns) in which we (the civilian populations) live..... Weaponry which is designed to slaughter us and/or our fellow family-members (men, women, girls, boys, toddlers and babies) on an increasingly industrial scale.


The following is dedicated to ALL family members (men, women, boys, girls, toddlers and babies) slaughtered (by military, paramilitary and militia activity) throughout the entire bloody history of HUMANITY.

Regardless of your nationality, tribe, creed or belief. You were ALL family-members. As are we...

Unlike the military War Dead you are not proclaimed a Hero. Nor was your death proclaimed to be a supreme act of self-sacrifice.

Unlike the military War Dead... You did not sacrifice yourselves - YOU WERE MURDERED.