On-line Memorial to EVERY Civilian killed in EVERY War: Past. Present & Future

Online Memorial to our Present generations

ten2one | Our Past | Our Present | Our Future | 3 Tears: Past. Present & Future

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Today (August 6th 2013) is the 68th anniversary of the first atomic bombing of a civilian population: HIROSHIMA.  As a direct result of this devastating attack on a civilian target: Tens of thousands of women, children, toddlers and babies were incinerated alive.
Despite the importance of this milestone event in the 'industrialisation' of the slaughter of the innocents, I have not found one mention of it in the media.
I have found more information from Egypt. The reports are that once again the military have opened fire on unarmed protesters. It is believed that HUNDREDS more civilians have been slaughtered, and (as always) this slaughter is said to include a percentage of women and children.
Not so long ago, a remote controlled drone military aircraft was deliberately crashed into (and wiped out) a Wedding party in the Pakistan/Afghanistan border area. The death toll consisted largely of women and children.
The ongoing civil war in Syria continues to take civilian lives... Again consisting largely of women and children. A recent chemical attack on civilians is said to have killed hundreds of people (Quote)"including many children" (Unquote).
The Death Toll continues to rise ever higher...
Will the unnecessary killing of civilians (especially women, children, toddlers and babies) by military and paramilitary action ever end?

Regardless of nationality, tribe, religion or creed.

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A Dedication

In memory of all members of the civilian population who are 

being killed by military and paramilitary action around the world today.

 Regardless of their nationality, tribe, creed or belief. They are ALL our brothers and sisters.AThey areReLL civilians killed in ALL wars                                                                                                                                    

Generally, civilians slaughtered in War have a tendency to be airbrushed out of history. It is, as if they never existed.
The object of the ten2one initiative is to try to raise public awareness of their slaughter. So (despite their being airbrushed out of history) they are remembered.
This it will hope to achieve by commemorating ALL the civilians and civilian populations ever slaughtered in the Past, the Present and the Future. For this purpose ten2one will use the image of three tears of blood, which really is appropriate.
The first "tear of blood" is for all the civilians: Particularly the women, boys, girls, toddlers and babies slaughtered by military and paramilitary action in our PAST. Our past referring to the past of Humanity.
The second "tear of blood" is for all the civilians: Particularly the women, boys, girls, toddlers and babies being slaughtered by military and paramilitary action in our PRESENT.
Our present referring to the present of Humanity.
The third tear of blood is for all the civilians: Particularly the women, boys, girls, toddlers and babies who will be slaughtered by military and paramilitary action in our FUTURE.

"Our future" referring to the future of Humanity.
Not just "our own" civilian war dead in a narrow "tribal"  (or nationalistic) sense. But: In the true spirit
of our common Humanity; ALL of our planet's civilian War Dead...

ALL of our fellow-Human-family-members (civilians) ever slaughtered by militarism globally - regardless of nationality, tribe, creed or belief.
For example: The laying of wreaths. When laying a wreath in memory of ALL the men, women, girls, boys, toddlers and babies killed by aerial bombing. 

That wreath-laying is dedicated to all the men, women, children and babies killed in Coventry. Dresden. Tokyo-Yokohama. London. Hiroshima. Hamburg. Nagasaki. Berlin and All other cities where the civilian population were subjected to the horror of aerial bombing.


The purpose of the ten2one initiative is to commemorate ALL civilians slaughtered in ALL wars - and other such tribal and/or ethnic conflicts.  Including pogroms and genocides. 
The object is to commemorate ALL non-combatant victims. Regardless of nationality or tribe, creed or belief. This project is based upon (and motivated by) one core belief...       
      HUMANITY is an extended global family, and WE ARE ALL family-members.
WE ARE ALL brothers and sisters and we should not be bred and indoctrinated to slaughter each other like cattle. Which (as the history of Humanity shows) happens all too often.
Brothers and Sisters... Will we ever learn ?

This click on link is dedicated to ALL innocent victims of Drone attacks: Men, women, children, toddlers & babies