AVOW: Memorial To Humanity


We ARE all brothers and sisters in the planetary family that is HUMANITY.
To the undying shame of our species: It is believed that over 200 million "civilians" ( men, women, boys, girls, toddlers and babies ) were murdered in 20th century wars (and other such tribal and ethnic conflicts) alone.

This on-line memorial is dedicated to each and every one of them: To EVERY human being slaughtered by war throughout the history of HUMANITY. May each and every one of them
Rest In Peace.

To All Victims Of War:
Past, present and future.
You were ALL murdered.
May you ALL rest in peace


Any ads appearing on this Memorial have been placed by the Internet provider TRIPOD and not by us. However, given the solemn nature of any Memorial. If any "ad" is inappropriate, then I unreservedly apologise.

A commemoration to ALL of our ancestors:
Each and every one of them.
For without every one of them...
I could not be writing this and
you could not be reading this. 

May ALL our ancestors Rest In Peace;
and may ALL their descendants Live In Peace.


Tragically for Humanity: The abuse of one human being by another comes in far too many forms to catalogue here ... From the physical taking of another's life, through a range of brutality to emotionally destroying another's mental health.

  The list of abuses that humans inflict upon humans is both shocking and seemingly without end.

To our undying shame: The naked truth is that we humans have a very real talent for inflicting abuse on our fellow human beings. Often with the most monstrous abuses claiming to be for the good of Humanity...

A Dedication to Humanity. 
It needs to be noted;
 there is precious little Humanity in Humanity.


If it wasn't for the darkness, we wouldn't see the stars


 Greetings & welcome

Somewhere between the tiniest sub-atomic particle and the endless vastness of the Universe is Man... and Woman of course. Well actually there are billions of us, and  we are ALL brothers and sisters in one vast extended global family called Humanity.

Believed by many to be evolving through life-forms (such as the lungfish): Humanity is scientifically classified as a species of the "primate" family and our closest  relative is said to be the chimpanzee.

Apart from viruses: Humanity has only one "serious" predator  (at this moment in time) - and that is Humanity itself.

The truth should be faced: The greatest threat to Humanity  (both collectively and individually) is Humanity. WE are our OWN (and our planet's) worst enemy.

How ?

Scientists inform us that evolution has endowed us with an inbuilt capacity to kill and abuse. Not only other life-forms which may threaten our existence, but sadly each other too. This we can do both collectively,  and  as individuals.

One of the worst examples of Humanity's collective capacity to kill and abuse each other on an industrial scale  is a collective tribal psychosis called WAR.

Justifying itself by creating (and then demonising) an alleged "evil (tribe) enemy" ,tribal  Humanity has been slaughtering tribal Humanity ever since the very "dawn of our species" and continues to do so into this  -  the 21st Century.




The following commemoration is dedicated to EVERY man, woman,  girl, boy, toddler and baby EVER to be slaughtered in one of Humanity's (sadly all too frequent) collective mass insanities. The psychotic madness that is WAR.

Lest we forget

Dedicated to each and EVERY man, woman, girl, boy, toddler and baby EVER slaughtered in WAR or any other such tribal or ethnic conflict throughout the history of our species.
 As human beings we ARE ALL members of the same family.... HUMANITY. This being so, this commemoration is dedicated to ALL OUR fellow family members:- Regardless of thier nationality, tribe, creed, religion or any other non-sensical consideration.
Not only does this commemorate ALL our fellow family members killed in ALL the wars (and other such tribal and ethnic conflicts) in the past...... 

But also ALL our fellow family members being killed in ALL the wars (and other such tribal and ethnic conflicts) of the present....... 

Even more tragically: ALL our fellow family members who will be killed in ALL the wars (and other such tribal and ethnic conflicts) in the future.
This is madness.

The mass slaughter of Humanity by Humanity under the so-called justification of "WAR" is (without doubt) one of the vilest most hideous atrocities that Humanity inflicts upon itself.
The following click on link should connect you to an on-line memorial to the real victim of war - HUMANITY itself. 

Online Memorial to ALL civilians killed in ALL Wars. Past, present and future

The following Commemoration is dedicated to ALL of our fellow family members ( men, women, girls, boys, toddlers, babies - even entire families) slaughtered in ANOTHER of Humanity's greatest organised insanities... GENOCIDE.

To the memory of every man, woman, child, toddler and baby ever murdered throughout the history of Humanity in HOLOCAUSTS, POGROMS and ETHNIC CLEANSING.

What is wrong with us ?

We are brothers & sisters in the SAME family...
We ARE Humanity !
How can we keep slaughtering each other ?
 This is madness !

    Lest we forget

To the memory of EVERY man, woman, girl, boy, toddler and baby ever slaughtered in any of Humanity's all too frequent GENOCIDES.
 Past, present and future.

What is wrong with us ?

Please click here to view the Online Holocaust Memorial

Genocide is a tragically recurring theme throughout the history of Humanity. So to is the murder of those who seek to change things for the benefit of Humanity. Individuals such as Abraham Lincoln, JFK, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Rosa Luxemburg. To mention but a few.

Commemorating  ROSA LUXEMBURG and ALL others ever murdered for fighting for social justice for ALL Humanity.  Many of whom have no known grave.

In memory of ROSA LUXEMBURG and ALL others who like her were murdered for trying to improve Humanity.





Other examples of Humanity's inbuilt capacity to kill and abuse each other are MURDER and CRUELTY.

Having said that...
What is CRUELTY if not simply another word for ABUSE ? That said: There can be no more extreme form of ABUSE (of one human being by another) than MURDER.
This being so: MURDER is the MOST extreme form of ABUSE that any human being can possibly inflict upon another.
With this in mind: The following is dedicated to the memory of ALL men, women, girls, boys, toddlers and babies EVER killed (directly or indirectly) by any type of ABUSE. Inflicted by any type of abuser.
From deaths by domestic violence, to deaths caused by tyranny or any other abuse of power...
ALL such deaths are unforgivable.
Dedicated to the memory of each and every human being EVER killed as a direct (or indirect) consequence of ANY form of ABUSE. Whether at the hands of the state, or an individual. Murder is murder.



As ''humans" we not only have an inbuilt capacity to kill, abuse and inflict injuries, suffering and misery upon each other. We also have an inbuilt capacity to kill, abuse and inflict injuries, suffering and misery upon ourselves.
So not content with collectively slaughtering each other on an increasingly industrial scale. Since the dawn of "The Age of Humanity" countless millions of us have also taken our own lives. Sometimes as a direct consequence of being bullied or abused by others. Sometimes as a direct consequence of being bullied or abused by ourselves.
The following is dedicated to EACH & EVERY suicide.

Rest In Peace

To the memory of  ALL men, women and children who have taken their own lives throughout the ages. Regardless of their nationality, tribe, creed, belief or circumstance.

Around our planet suicide continues to destroy the lives of families, friends and loved ones.

This click on resource is intended and dedicated to help anyone going through a suicidal crisis to survive
Good Luck and please take care



Some of us will go through life without being involved in any of the aforementioned (sadly, all too human) abuses. These are the fortunate ones. 

Some of us will not be so fortunate and many will suffer and die as a consequence of various types of abuse. May they ALL Rest In peace.


May ALL of our descendants Live In Peace

As family members should

Ask not for whom the memorial flame may burn.
It burns for us.
 It burns for Humanity.


IF there is one thing Humanity lacks - it IS Humanity.