On-line Memorial to EVERY Civilian killed in EVERY War: Past. Present & Future

ten2one | Our Past | Our Present | Our Future | 3 Tears: Past. Present & Future

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In 2001 the INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE of the RED CROSS revealed that the civilian to soldier 'death ratio' in the wars fought since the mid 20th century was 10 to 1. Not ten soldiers to every civilian killed. But (since the mid 20th century) ten civilians have been killed for every one soldier killed.  

Unfortunately, the RED CROSS did not reveal what percentage of the civilians killed were women, children, toddlers and babies. But other sources believe that women and children make up the overwhelming majority of civilian war-dead. 

Based upon this ratio of ten civilians to every one soldier being killed in War: This on-line memorial is dedicated to commemorating ALL civilian war-dead ... Hence the project has been named...
Welcome to ten2one the on-line memorial for the TRUE 'victims' of War: The civilian population. In particular the mothers and babies, children and toddlers. The elderly, disabled and infirm. 

The ten2one on-line Memorial is dedicated to commemorating ALL civilians slaughtered by military, paramilitary and militia actions throughout the ages. Not just "OUR own" civilian War-dead, but ALL civilian War-dead. Regardless of nationality, tribe, creed or belief.
This being so: This 'memorial' is dedicated to ALL civilians slaughtered in ALL Wars. In particular ALL the women, children, toddlers and babies killed not only in ALL wars (and other such tribal and ethnic conflicts) in the PAST. But also in ALL wars and other such tribal and ethnic conflicts in both the PRESENT and tragically the FUTURE.
 May each and every one of them find the PEACE in death that they were denied in life.
Rest In Peace brothers and sisters.

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This flame is also here to commemorate our Common Humanity. 
 When did we lose it ?
 Or did it never exist ?
If it ever did exist ?
      What happened to it ?
           Where is it now ?   

We ARE ALL Human. 
But why is there NO HUMANITY in Humanity ?
The fact that we are ALL members of the same species (HUMANITY) means that we ARE ALL related.
Whether we like it or not, WE ARE ALL members of the SAME extended Human family. WE ARE ALL brothers and sisters in the SAME (one-and-only) Human family. As family-members WE ARE ALL EQUAL. Whether we be Prince or pauper, we are ALL equal members in the SAME Human family.
Of course we could never be true equals in the political/social meaning of the word. Our ruling elites with their (Alpha Male) mentalities and the strict social heirarchies that rule us would never permit true equality....
Having said that, the facts remain: WE ARE ALL members of the Human family. WE ARE ALL brothers and sisters - and we share the same planet. Planet EARTH... Home of the Human family... Home of OUR family... HUMANITY.
Despite the fact that WE ARE ALL brothers and sisters: As many as TWO HUNDRED MILLION of our fellow family-members  (civilian men and women of all ages. Boys and girls. Toddlers and babies - often entire families) were cruelly butchered in wars and other tribal and ethnic 'conflicts' in the 20th century alone.
Almost invariably: Such slaughters, acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing were (and still are) a result of military and / or paramilitary actions. Deliberate cold blooded acts waged against the civilian population - or sections of a civilian population.
Wherever we are, we (our planet's civilian population) should recognise our common history. Especially with the widespread proliferation of nuclear arsenals and other weapons of mass destruction. Many of which have been designed and produced specifically for use against us (the civilian population) living in our towns and cities around our planet.

Animated Candle photo: candle candle2.gif