Our Inglorious Dead



The UK Remembrance day (11/11) commemorates the memory of the nation's Glorious Dead. Notably, the members of the UK's military killed in The Great War of 1914-1918.
Remembrance Day does NOT honour the nation's Inglorious Dead. Those members of the military shamelessly slaughtered by their own military in The Great War.
Suffering from battle-related psychological wounds (most notably traumatic shock). A large percentage of our inglorious dead were executed due to their psychological wounds. Traumatised. Shell shocked. Dissociated and even psychotic. Deranged with terror and no longer able to understand what was going on, they were no longer of any use to the military.
When found aimlessly wandering away from a battle shell-shocked, confused and dissociated - they were shot as deserters. When traumatised and seen to be fleeing from certain death - they were shot as cowards. When unable to understand what orders they were being given - they were shot for disobeying orders.
Whilst those with physical wounds were cared for and proclaimed heroes by their respective militaries. Many psychologically wounded were executed by their own militaries for cowardice, desertion and disobeying orders. They were shot as an example (and a warning) to others.
These were The Inglorious Dead whose murder has been airbrushed out of history by ALL of those militaries involved in the slaughter of The Great War.
"At the going down of the sun" Nations and their militaries will pretend that the murder of the psychologically wounded never happened - But it did, on an industrial scale.
No wreaths are laid for The Inglorious Dead. No poppies are sold on their behalf. Their names are not to be found on memorials or Rolls of Honour. But The Inglorious Dead should never be forgotten.

I never thought the day would come when I would quote anything from the Sun newspaper. But the following item appeared in the Sun newspaper on 9/11/11...
"A museum and memorial dedicated to 300 shellshocked soldiers shot for cowardice is to be opened in Belgium."
                      (Too little too late - But it is a start)

Click here for an online Memorial to ALL those shot at dawn regrdless of nationality


The following newspaper report was written by Angelique Chrisafis in Paris. The report is entitled:

France ponders war 'cowards'

They were mostly young, rank-and-file soldiers, exhausted and shell shocked by what was considered the world's most brutal war. One day they simply refused to take part in another raid, ignored orders or refused to get in line for inspection.
Shot by firing squad, these disgraced, so-called cowards - convicted by military tribunals of crimes such as desertion, disobedience or "abandoning their post in the presence of the enemy" - are now largely seen as traumatised victims of the horror of war. But they are not counted in the first world war memorials dotting France, nor are they considered to have died for their country and President Francois Hollande is under increasing pressure to restore their good name.
A report by the historian Antoine Prost, which was handed to the ministry of vetrans' affairs yesterday, says many were not "cowards", but just "cracked" from one day to the next. Options put forward include a speech by Hollande rehabilitating them and the construction of a memorial.

Animated Candle photo: candle candle2.gif
To ALL those shot for cowardice,
desertion and disobedience by
ALL armies in the Great War.

Conscientious Objectors: Heroes who had the courage to say NO.

Click here to return to the Memorial
