Commemorating ALL war-dead is LONG overdue.

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This wreath is dedicated to commemorating every man, woman, girl, boy, toddler and baby ever murdered in nationalist and tribal genocides, ethnic violence, abuse and other hate crimes.

This site is dedicated
to the Memory
Animated Candle photo: candle candle2.gif
EVERY innocent civilian:
Man, woman, child and baby
EVER slaughtered in any War.
Or other genocidal action.
Past. Present & Future.


This wreath is dedicated to commemorating every CIVILIAN (man, woman, girl, boy, toddler and baby) ever killed in WAR. Whilst soldiers may have sacrificed themselves. These (our brothers & sisters didn't) they were ALL murdered.

At the eleventh hour: On the eleventh day; of the eleventh month. The UK falls silent for two minutes as part of the nation's Remembrance Day ceremonies.

Up and down the Kingdom, "war memorials" are surrounded with wreaths made up of blood red poppies, and the fallen military are remembered. 

Nowadays even the animals used by the military and subsequently killed in wars are now being commemorated by a purple poppy.

Civilians killed in war are simply not commemorated. There is no poppy for them. Nor any purpose designed wreath. Leastways there wasn't................ until 2012. 

Now in Derbyshire there is a "new commemoration on the block". It is the ten2one "civilian-wreath". So named because it symbolises the fact that for every ONE soldier killed in the wars since the mid-20th century. TEN civilians are killed.

Accordingly: The ten2one civilian-wreath consists of ELEVEN "poppies". ONE red poppy to commemorate the soldier killed, and TEN special white poppies to represent the TEN civilians killed.

As shown below: The white ten2one civilian poppies are marked with 3 tears of blood. The 3 tears of blood is doubly symbolic. 

Firstly: They represent ALL  the MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN murdered by War. 

Secondly: They represent ALL WARS...PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.

This being so: The "3 tears of blood poppy" actually commemorates ALL THE MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN MURDERED IN ALL THE WARS OF THE PAST,  THE

The commemoration of civilian war dead is long overdue.


If anyone else wishes to use this 3 tears image: Then please, please feel free to do so, with our blessings. 

The recognition of the widescale slaughter of non-combatant civilians by military and paramilitary action throughout human history is long overdue.
This being so: It is right that ALL of the non-combatants (unarmed civilians)  ever murdered in war are finally acknowledged. Not just the fallen military.
Why should we not pay tribute to the countless millions of  men, women, children and babies slaughtered by war ? Why should we not lay wreaths for them, as we do for the military fallen ?
Please visit the click on Memorial dedicated to commemorating every man, woman and child killed in the wars of the Past, Present & Future

Click on link Commemorating ALL civilian war dead. Every man, woman, child & baby Killed in the wars of the past, present & future