
We know we are in an abusive relationship when..
We know we are in an abusive relationship when..
Men can also be victims
Types of abuse
The Abuser
Support network
Abuse doesn't have to be Violent
The Bottom Line
Tell someone about it.
EXIT: Time to escape


We know we are in an abusive relationship when we have to change the way we behave, act, think, believe, speak, worship, dress, or look because we fear what our abuser will do to us.

It is the fear of being subjected to our abuser’s preferred method of punishing us for failing to keep (or make) him or her happy. This 'punishment' usually consists of us suffering some form of pain – this can be physical, mental or emotional hurt. Or possibly even all three.

However, in the mind of the abuser our punishment is right and fitting. It is justified (he or she HAD to ‘punish us’ for our own good) so our punishment is also self-inflicted. We have done it to ourselves. Our punishment is OUR fault. We gave our abuser no choice in the matter. Whenever he or she punishes us it is (and will always be) OUR fault.

Abusers (like slave owners) are skilled at gaining and maintaining control over us through manipulation and fear. Their “ownership” of us can completely undermine us as individuals. Who we are, the way we live, the way we view ourselves and our values all must change to satisfy our abusers. We become a mere extension of our abusers.

As a direct result of being owned and manipulated we begin to accept that when we do not 'obey' - we are in the wrong and are likely to be punished. So we very quickly learn that the fault lies in us. Once we begin to accept that whatever happens - it's our fault. We adapt our behaviour so as to avoid being punished by the abuser – who is now our “owner”. Telling us what to do. What to say. What to think and so on.

Without fully realising what is happening to us, we have surrendered ourselves to our abuser's will. It has been noted that: “being abused disables our judgement and prevents us from recognising the true danger of our situation.” This unfortunately is very true indeed.

The fact is that we really are in a potentially very dangerous place; and could end up seriously injured, hospitalised or even dead .

This is no over dramatisation. Far too many victims have been murdered by their abusers, in much the same way (and for much the same reason) that slave owners would “justifiably” kill their slaves.

I am assured that if we can “relate” to the above, then we are more than likely being abused or trapped inside an abusive relationship.

Regardless of whatever the abuser says. No matter how he or she excuses his or her punishment or maltreatment of us. We need to understand that we really ARE in a potentially very dangerous place. We are also warned to beware of our abuser's promises that his or her abuse will never ever happen again. No matter how heartfelt those assurances may sound.

Apparently it is quite common for abusers to claim that they are simply being over protective because of his or her love for us. Let's be honest, this really sounds a positive thing. But what it really means is that he or she is over possessive. Not protective - possessive.

Even this 'concept' is worrying. As human beings we can and do become possessive over things. We regard objects as “things” to be owned or possessed. We collect “things” and turn them into collections. So, when abusers speak of being (protective) they are speaking of being protective of “their property.” Their possession. Again the relationship between the slave and the slave-owner comes to mind. It suggests that (in the mind of our abusers), he or she believes that we really are his or her personal possession or property. In other words: “We are owned by them”

Being a possession of a person who owns us has nothing to do with a loving affectionate and caring relationship. But it does have everything to do with the enslavement and ownership of one person by another.

Emotional/Psychological Harm From Abuse

It is truly disturbing just how much damage can be caused by emotional and physical abuse. It has been noted that: “Abusers dig at the core of our souls until we are numb. Our spirits become wounded and we are left with harmful symptoms that may ruin us forever”

A list of these “harmful symptoms” include the following...


Low self-confidence

Low self-esteem


Anxiety attacks

Loss of control

Numbing - Physiologically and emotionally

Feelings of helplessness


Chronic Illness



Fear - for one's life and financial outcome if one were to leave.


Feelings of isolation



Weight Loss

Weight Gain


Negative Attitude - due from the abuse.

Argumentative - on the defence from depression.


Sleep Disturbances

Hard to trust others

Emotional Problems

Withdrawal from family and friends

Stomach Pains



Muscle Tension

Humiliation - from the life that is lead with the abuser.

Shock and Disbelief - when the abuse occurs.

Misery - feeling that you are living in misery.

Please do not despair

There is a great deal of real help out there. A lot of counsellors are available in our local yellow pages. Please talk to your medical practitioner or anyone you know you can trust. This can be friends, co-workers as well as other family members you know you CAN trust.

We know that we are in an abusive relationship when we have to change the way we behave, act, think, believe, speak, worship, dress, or look because we fear our (so called) partner's reaction  

This fear is all too often founded in our own painful experiences of what has happened to us in the past. It is a terror of being re-subjected to our abuser’s preferred method of punishing us for failing to keep (or make) him or her happy.

This 'punishment' usually involves us suffering some form of physical, mental or emotional hurt.

Paradoxically though, in the eyes of the abuser our punishment is right and fitting. Not only is it justified (he or she had to ‘punish us’ for our disobedience) but it is also self-inflicted. We have done it to ourselves. The punishment is our fault. The abuser never has any choice in the matter. We give him or her no choice. It will always be our fault.

Abusers are skilled at gaining and maintaining control over us through manipulation. This control has the effect of totally undermining us as individuals. The way we live, who we are and the way we view ourselves As a consequence of careful manipulation we begin to understand that when we do not 'obey' we are in the wrong and so we very quickly learn that the fault lies in us - so whatever happens - it's our fault.


Without even realising what is happening, being abused  disables our judgement and prevents us from  recognising the true danger of our situation.
The truth is that we are in a potentially very dangerous place; and could end up seriously injured, hospitalised or dead Edit Text

If we canrelate to the above, then we are probably being abused or trapped inside an abusive relationship. 


Regardless of whatever the abuser says. No matter how he or she excuses his or her punishment or treatment of us. We need to realise that we are in a very dangerous place. Beware of promises that it will never happen again.


Abusers often claim that they are simply being over protective because of his or her love for us. This sounds a good thing but what it really means is that he or she is over possessive. Not protective - possessive. 


Even this 'concept' is worrying. As human beings we can and do become possessive over things. We regard objects as things to be owned or possessed. We collect things and turn them into collections. So, when abusers speak of being (protective) they are speaking of being protective of their property. Their possession.This suggests that in the mind of the abuser, he or she believes that we really are his or her personal possession or property.


But (let's be honest) being a possession of one who owns us has nothing to do with a loving affectionate relationship. But it does have everything to do with the enslavement of of one person by another. 


Emotional/Psychological Harm From Abuse

It is utterly amazing how emotional and physical abuse affects people. Abusers dig at the core of our souls until we are numb. Our spirits become wounded and we are left with harmful symptoms that may ruin us forever.

Effects from Abuse:


Low self-confidence

Low self-esteem


Anxiety attacks

Loss of control

Numbing - Physiologically and emotionally

Feelings of helplessness


Chronic Illness



Fear - for one's life and financial outcome if one were to leave.


Feelings of isolation



Weight Loss

Weight Gain


Negative Attitude - due from the abuse.

Argumentative - on the defense from depression.


Sleep Disturbances

Hard to trust others

Emotional Problems

Withdrawal from family and friends

Stomach Pains



Muscle Tension

Humiliation - from the life that is lead with the abuser.

Shock and Disbelief - when the abuse occurs.

Misery - feeling that you are living in misery.

There is help out there. A lot of counsellors are available in your local yellow pages. Talk to friends, co-workers, and families for a referral